Self-Care 'Your Missing Link'

Courtesy of Darko Sikman. Click image to link.
Few things are as important as self-care. This is absolutely top priority in optimal wellness and prevention/reversal of disease. There are many modalities, tools and areas of self-care that we must practice consistently in order to grow physically, mentally, personally and spiritually. This is much more than just physical techniques that alter chemistry and biological function/expression.
In order for us to live the life we wish with less pain, stress and strife. We must have a fundamental understanding of what it means to live optimally in all aspects of our life. What we will have to offer you here is an exceptional resource for all aspects of optimal wellness.
We encourage you to check back every other week as we update virtually everyday. New pages, new resources, new discoveries. All of which have the potential to either save your life or a loved ones or transmute adversity into prosperity. Do enjoy our research and resources ^_^.
Few things are as important as self-care. This is absolutely top priority in optimal wellness and prevention/reversal of disease. There are many modalities, tools and areas of self-care that we must practice consistently in order to grow physically, mentally, personally and spiritually. This is much more than just physical techniques that alter chemistry and biological function/expression.
In order for us to live the life we wish with less pain, stress and strife. We must have a fundamental understanding of what it means to live optimally in all aspects of our life. What we will have to offer you here is an exceptional resource for all aspects of optimal wellness.
We encourage you to check back every other week as we update virtually everyday. New pages, new resources, new discoveries. All of which have the potential to either save your life or a loved ones or transmute adversity into prosperity. Do enjoy our research and resources ^_^.
What is Health?
This question is one of the most important questions you can ask yourself. The most accurate answer to this question that I have discovered is balance. If we do not have balance in our life, emotionally, mentally, financially, physically, spiritually and personally then we tend to sacrifice one aspect for another which leads to less optimal choices in one category or more in our life. This isn't to say that we should have absolute balance or stress out because life for us isn't currently balanced. Nor is it something that you can ignore once you reach a more balanced life and therefore act like "hey everything is balanced, I've achieved it." It is never-ending.
Homeostasis is our natural physical state of living. Our trillions of cells are constantly in a balancing act and there are hundreds if not thousands of variables that affect our homeostasis. We can increase our propensity for optimal health via our choices in food, exercise, creative expression, awareness expansion, relationships, etc. Equally we can increase our propensity for mediocre or poor health via the same avenues or realms of choices. We are all individual so it is wise to be aware that while we may be very similar we may need to modify recommendations and choices to fine-tune our decisions.
In all of this one of the biggest challenges we can come across as we continue to expand our awareness of the many variables and choices is the feeling of being overwhelmed because we don't know where to start? Nor if we are making the most optimal choice? My suggestion to this feeling of being overwhelmed is to adopt these functional-thoughts:
As a professional health practitioner I can tell you that in my professional and personal experience linear thinking doesn't often lead to healing epiphanies. It is often a belief (conscious or not) in self-healing, faith or intuition that causes healing. Yes medicines absolutely influence our biochemistry. The same is true in our thinking, emotions and beliefs. These influence our biochemistry profoundly at levels that would seem fictional if it wasn't for our current technology verifying the observations.
Our negative thinking can be just as poisonous as methyl mercury and uranium to our cells and DNA. With this said we must acknowledge our thinking, beliefs and emotional states to live more optimally and reverse/prevent disease. We would be wise to harness both the physical realm and emotional/creative realm to live optimally and grow exponentially.
To truly trust our self is to be connected with our intuition and live from our intuition. To do this and be open to suggestions and observations made by others around you is a optimal state of being. It is harmony with science & intuition, of objectivity & subjectivity.
I believe that we are meant to live empowered. This is a liberating feeling of knowing intuitively that we are the captains of this life and we can co-create with universal energies while still being captain. Beliefs are not inherently factual, however they are inherently directive focus and therefore can change the outcome even if the laws we think govern this world would say otherwise.
Homeostasis is our natural physical state of living. Our trillions of cells are constantly in a balancing act and there are hundreds if not thousands of variables that affect our homeostasis. We can increase our propensity for optimal health via our choices in food, exercise, creative expression, awareness expansion, relationships, etc. Equally we can increase our propensity for mediocre or poor health via the same avenues or realms of choices. We are all individual so it is wise to be aware that while we may be very similar we may need to modify recommendations and choices to fine-tune our decisions.
In all of this one of the biggest challenges we can come across as we continue to expand our awareness of the many variables and choices is the feeling of being overwhelmed because we don't know where to start? Nor if we are making the most optimal choice? My suggestion to this feeling of being overwhelmed is to adopt these functional-thoughts:
- Step away from the information to let your mind decompress from the options and "experts"
- First Do No Harm, look first to therapies less invasive and detrimental to your body/mind
- Keep it simple by remembering to go back to your basics, gratitude, breathing, diet, water intake, design movement, etc.
- Recognize that all life is an experiment and even if you choose less-optimally you will improve upon that choice next time
- Remember that your belief in a treatment is as important if not more than the treatment it self
- When we lose trust of our self we lose our connection with our intuition, we MUST learn to trust our self again
As a professional health practitioner I can tell you that in my professional and personal experience linear thinking doesn't often lead to healing epiphanies. It is often a belief (conscious or not) in self-healing, faith or intuition that causes healing. Yes medicines absolutely influence our biochemistry. The same is true in our thinking, emotions and beliefs. These influence our biochemistry profoundly at levels that would seem fictional if it wasn't for our current technology verifying the observations.
Our negative thinking can be just as poisonous as methyl mercury and uranium to our cells and DNA. With this said we must acknowledge our thinking, beliefs and emotional states to live more optimally and reverse/prevent disease. We would be wise to harness both the physical realm and emotional/creative realm to live optimally and grow exponentially.
To truly trust our self is to be connected with our intuition and live from our intuition. To do this and be open to suggestions and observations made by others around you is a optimal state of being. It is harmony with science & intuition, of objectivity & subjectivity.
I believe that we are meant to live empowered. This is a liberating feeling of knowing intuitively that we are the captains of this life and we can co-create with universal energies while still being captain. Beliefs are not inherently factual, however they are inherently directive focus and therefore can change the outcome even if the laws we think govern this world would say otherwise.
~ Time . . is the only thing anyone ever sells you. ~
The difference between perfectionism and never-ending self-improvement is that perfectionism is a state of being that has the tendency to lean us to prioritize criticism over gratitude. Never-ending self-improvement is a state of being that is planted in balanced-growth and gratitude is fundamental to live in this state that pushes us further beyond where we once were. It recognizes that the only perfection there is, is freeing our minds from trying to control our life by force, but rather by co-creation. If we wait till we think everything is perfect we will never take action. If we act and frantically force our will to bend reality into our liking we exhaust our energy. We must learn that balance between intuition and linear thought.
We want everyone to be aware that time is what this is all about. The purpose of any and all self-care is to give you more time to enjoy what it is that you enjoy most in life. Whether it be spend time with your children, family, art, community, friends, etc. It is to increase your ability to express more fully and enrich others lives more deeply. As Johann Wolfgang von Goethe once said:
We want everyone to be aware that time is what this is all about. The purpose of any and all self-care is to give you more time to enjoy what it is that you enjoy most in life. Whether it be spend time with your children, family, art, community, friends, etc. It is to increase your ability to express more fully and enrich others lives more deeply. As Johann Wolfgang von Goethe once said:
"Let everyone sweep in front of his own door, and the whole world would be clean."
It may seem like you lose time by doing more for yourself, however I would suggest that this is false thinking. If all we did was take care of everyone else we would lose more quality time, quality living and quality giving. We cannot give with integrity that which we do not have with integrity! If we want our loved ones to feel more gratitude in life, feel healthier, live longer, live more fully, than we MUST absolutely do all of these things our selves. We must lead by example. We must pursue our dreams and live our lives more optimally in order to fulfill our own purpose in life. The beauty of this is that by doing so we unconsciously give permission to those who surround us to do the same. Important aspects are as follows:
With this in mind each of these aspects will lead to growth, connection, love, variety, self-improvement and conscious contribution. We must keep in mind that Optimal Health is Accumulative. Every action and thought you make and focus on determines the likely propensity for a optimal, mediocre or poor life. Your lifestyle is your life direction.
There are many pages that will be added to this page so check back by hovering your cursor over the self-care page to see the drop-list.
- Take responsibility for our own health
- Increase awareness of harmful and beneficial action
- Cultivate daily gratitude & clarity to live more happily & focused
- Explore and express our interests, thoughts, emotions and actions individually
- Reconnect with our intuition so that we may live with less worry and more tranquility
- Question & investigate what we learn, study and research especially that which does not resonate with us
With this in mind each of these aspects will lead to growth, connection, love, variety, self-improvement and conscious contribution. We must keep in mind that Optimal Health is Accumulative. Every action and thought you make and focus on determines the likely propensity for a optimal, mediocre or poor life. Your lifestyle is your life direction.
There are many pages that will be added to this page so check back by hovering your cursor over the self-care page to see the drop-list.
"We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience."
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
"We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience."
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin