Cycling Fascial Self-Care, Studio-Care & Assessments

Improve your fascial resilience so you can continue to do this ^0^.
Below represents a "in the nut-shell" look at what I have learned over my last 8 years of clinical practice working with the fascial lines and neuromuscular tissue of cyclists of all ages and performance levels. I wanted to give you some simple yet effective free self-care strategies as well as studio-care that I offer our Boise cyclists at the studio.
Below I will share with you some basics to maintain and some detailed work I do in the studio in the event you wanted to advance the care of your connective tissue in relation to your rides and fascia health.
Here's to improving the health of every cyclists interested in taking care of their frame and improving their longevity in being able to cycle life-long with a lower incidence of injury.
Below I will share with you some basics to maintain and some detailed work I do in the studio in the event you wanted to advance the care of your connective tissue in relation to your rides and fascia health.
Here's to improving the health of every cyclists interested in taking care of their frame and improving their longevity in being able to cycle life-long with a lower incidence of injury.

One of our business giant clients Sara Barnowski.
"I never thought I would ever get a massage from a man. He came with high recommendation and I was in a lot of neck pain so I was willing to him. I'm so glad I went to him because he seriously is so professional, knowledgeable and he really gets into the knots and releases them! Hands down the BEST deep tissue massages I have ever had. He also offers amazing deals for those that are looking to go on a regular basis. Thanks Brandon!!"
Sara Barnowski
(Boise, Idaho Resident & Sales Giant ^o^.)
Click here for 100+ more testimonials
Sara Barnowski
(Boise, Idaho Resident & Sales Giant ^o^.)
Click here for 100+ more testimonials
Anatomy of Femur
(anterior & posterior views)
Just to give you some insider view on some of the individual tissue that is addressed at Body Epiphanies Massage & Nutrition.
Fascial Health General Suggestions
Fascial Tools:
Supplements for Inflammatory Cascades: (see personalized recommendations here)
Climber/Fitness Fascia Books:
- Rumble Roller (as recommended by Tim Ferriss and many top-performers in the way of athletics)
- Mustard Packets for halting cramps (I recommend popping into Whole Foods and in the cafeteria area grab two or more of their mustard packs. This is one of the top pro tricks for any athlete to pop a packet of mustard and keep it in your mouth than swallow and within 1-2 minutes it tends to interfere with the cramping process. Don't forget to stay hydrated with coconut water or water mineralized with electrolytes to prevent this from happening. Here's a great article on this.)
- Lacrosse Ball (I carry one in my laptop bag and have multiple at home, use it with slow compression and shear throughout tissue that is restricted on your body while watching TV, etc.)
- Crocodile Creek Solar System Playground Ball, Blue, 5" (it is wise to use softer tools such as these in particular situations, tissues and days)
- Squatty Potty (pooping ergonomics make all the difference in the world, so don't judge ^o^.)
- Vital Proteins Collagen (one of the best tools along with homemade bone broth to repair all connective tissue and joints)
- Epsoak Epsom Salt (take a bath each day you cycle, it'll take a significant load off of the delayed on-set muscle soreness and replenish some magnesium and sulfur reserves via transdermal delivery)
- Foundation Core Training (hands down the best overall self-care system I have ever explored or seen clinically relevant)
- Teeter Inversion Table (in certain instances e.g. knee ligament laxity, eye-pressure or high blood pressure, this may not be indicated)
Supplements for Inflammatory Cascades: (see personalized recommendations here)
- Phenocane (this substitute for Asprin helps with inflammatory pathways associated with wear & tear. It's best not to take right away after a workout, however the next day as you don't want to interrupt the inflammatory process of rebuilding tissue overnight.)
- Thorne Research - Meriva SF (Soy Free) - Sustained Released Curcumin Phytosome (incredibly potent anti-inflammatory especially when used together with the organic spice turmeric, the spice you'd want to consume about 1/2 - 1 tsp a day)
Climber/Fitness Fascia Books:
- Becoming a Supple Leopard 2nd Edition: The Ultimate Guide to Resolving Pain, Preventing Injury, and Optimizing Athletic Performance (Starrett has some of the greatest work you could ever incorporate)
- Deskbound: Standing Up to a Sitting World (Starrett continues to raise the bar and I feel this one is important because cyclists sit way too much -_^.)
- True to Form: How to Use Foundation Training for Sustained Pain Relief and Everyday Fitness (Eric Goodman's work in written format)
- Foundation: Redefine Your Core, Conquer Back Pain, and Move with Confidence (more Goodman's work)
- The Cyclist's Training Bible (a great resource for how to overcome reoccurring injuries and how to best prevent them)
- Zinn & the Art of Road Bike Maintenance: The World's Best-Selling Bicycle Repair and Maintenance Guide (great resource for cyclist repair of their fine-tuned bikes)
Some Assessment Tests Used In-Studio
These are some brief examples of assessment tools used at Body Epiphanies Massage & Nutrition to determine where to direct manual therapies for each specific individual. Not every session requires testing, however in difficult cases or for athletes (professional and recreational) it is important to assess and reassess to determine if therapies are appropriate for each individual client.
Boise Cyclist Specific Studio-Care Videos
Below you will see a series of videos of the kind of care I deliver to my clients. Because time is ever so short and I never liked the idea of reinventing the wheel, these videos are not of me, but of therapies and strategies that I use in the studio on a near-daily basis.
Rotational Mobilization of the spine to assist with overall health and flexibility where it counts the most. These restrictions can alter ones overall strength output significantly, therefore it is critical to address for long-term sustainable performance in any sport.
John Gibbons a registered Sports Osteopath is demonstrating similar techniques that are called: Active release techniques (ART) or Soft tissue Release (STR) for the hamstring muscles of biceps femoris, semitendinosous and semimembranosous.
John Gibbons a registered Sports Osteopath is demonstrating Myofascial massage release techniques like Active release techniques (ART) or Soft tissue Release (STR) for the achilles tendon and the peroneal muscles as well as the gastrocnemius...
Hip flexor release (psoas). This is one of the primary areas that typically calls for attention in all cyclists that schedule for a session. There are many ways to self-treat and sometimes having a professional work trigger points out is helpful.
John Gibbons a registered Sports Osteopath is demonstrating Active release techniques (ART) or Soft tissue Release (STR) for the rectus femoris, quadriceps and the iliotibial band (IT Band). John is also the Author of the highly successful book and Amazon No 1...
John Gibbons a registered Sports Osteopath is demonstrating strain counterstrain (SCS) or positional release for the psoas and iliacus (hip flexors) muscle group to help reduce back pain and encourage extension of the lumbar spine through resetting of...
Boise Cyclist Specific Self-Care Videos
Peter Park, Lance Armstrong's strength and conditioning coach, and Dr. Eric Goodman, share how Foundation Training can make for a much more enjoyable ride.
I had a request to do a post spinning and post cycling yoga class, so here it is! This class is a Vinyasa Flow but focuses more on stretching rather than strengthening. We will be looking at...
Stretching should be just as important as the ride, take a few minutes after every ride to stretch those muscles. This is a helpful routine to keep you in tip top shape.
The Hip Circle™ can be used for hip and glute activation/strength as well as dynamic warm up. Simply put the circle around your knees and go for a long stride walk. You will not only get your hips..
How to use your mountain bike for fascial stretching, self myofascial release. This is great for those on the go an in need to increase mobility before, during or after a ride.
MobilityWOD presents a great way to address psoas restrictions using a kettle bell and lacrosse ball along with some active release techniques you can use at home.
Lance Armstrong's strength coach, Peter Park, leads a core routine that hits your abs, glutes, hips, and back. These four exercises will engage your complete core for total-body strength.
"Ride as much or as little, or as long or as short as you feel. But ride."
Eddy Merckx
Eddy Merckx