Documentaries, Interviews, Lectures & Talks
Mind Expansion
Expanding awareness via educational documentaries, interviews, lectures and talks. These are all a must watch as they expand your awareness to the conditions we face today. This page will continually be updated with new information that can expand your awareness. We do not agree with everything within every documentary, interview, lecture or talk.
We simply found information within each one of these worthy of your attention and feel everyone deserves to be aware of the questions and observations found within. Most of the links will take you directly to the full file on youtube. Some are only trailers, if you want us to add to the list fill-in the short-form below with a link and info relating to a documentary, talk, interview or lecture you want us to review to potentially add to the list.
We simply found information within each one of these worthy of your attention and feel everyone deserves to be aware of the questions and observations found within. Most of the links will take you directly to the full file on youtube. Some are only trailers, if you want us to add to the list fill-in the short-form below with a link and info relating to a documentary, talk, interview or lecture you want us to review to potentially add to the list.
You may wonder why we have political, government & esoteric documentaries on here along with physical health-related videos? Our reasoning is that we feel the world's biggest illness is our own ignorance & small-mindedness. It is our duty as health-care practitioners to make sure you receive the highest quality information that empowers you to make wiser choices in your life. We encourage everyone to question and research the data found in these videos!
"The mind, once expanded to the dimensions of larger ideas, never returns to its original size."
Oliver Wendell Holmes
You may wonder why we have political, government & esoteric documentaries on here along with physical health-related videos? Our reasoning is that we feel the world's biggest illness is our own ignorance & small-mindedness. It is our duty as health-care practitioners to make sure you receive the highest quality information that empowers you to make wiser choices in your life. We encourage everyone to question and research the data found in these videos!
"The mind, once expanded to the dimensions of larger ideas, never returns to its original size."
Oliver Wendell Holmes
TED Talks
101. Bill Joy: What I'm worried about, what I'm excited about
102. Martin Rees: Asks, is this our final century?
103. Robert Wright: On optimism
104. David Agus: A new strategy in the war on cancer
105. Sebastian Seung: I am my connectome
106. Birke Baehr: "What's wrong with our food system."
107. Michael Specter: The danger of science denial
108. PW Signer: On military robots and the future of war
109. Alex Tabarrok: On how ideas trump crises
110. Hans Rosling: The good news of the decade?
111. Stacey Kramer: The best gift I ever survived
112. Michael Shermer: The pattern behind self-deception
113. Eben Bayer: Are mushrooms the new plastic?
114. Patrick Chappatte: The power of cartoons
115. Charles Limb: Your brain on improv
116. Lauren Zalaznick: The conscience of television
117. Abraham Verghese: A doctor's touch
118. Paul Zak: Trust, morality & oxytocin (absolutely fascinating, trust molecule, morality molecule, empathy molecule)
119. Lorimer Moseley: Why Things Hurt (very engaging, a must for manual therapists and those who want to understand pain)
120. The Future of Free Energy is Here NOW! The End of Oil, Coal & Nuclear Pollution (just simply WOW)
121. Antonio Damasio: The Quest to Understand Consciousness
122. Brené Brown: The power of vulnerability
123. Cameron Herold: Let's raise kids to be entrepreneurs
- A Machine to Die For: The Quest for Free Energy (Zero-point energy & fraud, potentially the most important topic for humanity)
- America: Freedom to Fascism (IRS & Federal Reserve info)
- Ayurveda Art of Being (Ayurvedic Medicine, Cancer Therapies)
- Big Bucks, Big Pharma: Marketing Disease and Pushing Drugs (Medical Deception/Corruption, Pharmaceutical industry)
- Blue Gold: World Water Wars (Water privatization) *trailer*
- Buddha Boy (Discovery Channel documentary on Ram Bahadur Bamjan and his claimed meditation for 3 years without food or water)
- Burzynski (Cancer therapy)
- Cancer is Curable Now (Investigation with leaders in integrative/alternative therapies for curing cancer)
- Cancer: The Forbidden Cures (Investigation into historic holistic cancer cures from Gerson to earlier days)
- CIA Drug Ops Conspiracy: Unaired Full Documentary (Old documentary but well worth watching, real journalism)
- Clearing The Smoke: The Science of Cannabis (Marijuana, Cancer Therapies)
- Close Encounters: Proof of Alien Contact (UFO/Alien observations)
- Collapse (Economic concerns) *trailer*
- College Conspiracy (Federal student loan & college education conspiracy, excellent doc)
- Cut, Poison, Burn (Cancer industry) *trailer*
- Dive! (Dumbster diving, food expiration, why companies won't donate near expired food rather than throwing it away) *trailer*
- Dying To Have Known (Cancer Therapy, Gerson Therapy)
- Earthlings (Animal consumption concerns) *WARNING EXTREMELY GRAPHIC* Joaquin Phoenix Narrated
- End Of Liberty (Government concerns)
- Enlighten Up (Yoga adventure, yoga studies)
- ENRON - The Smartest Guys in the Room (Corporation/Stock-market concerns) *trailer*
- Fastwalkers (UFO & Government Involvement investigation)
- Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead (Juice fasting, curing disease naturally) *trailer*
- FIAT EMPIRE: Why The Federal Reserve Violates The U.S. Constitution (Federal Reserve/Monetary concerns)
- Food, Inc. (Food supply concerns) *trailer*
- Gary: Young, Psychic & Possessed (Self-deception, power of belief, placebo-effect, psychic surgery, etc.)
- Gasland (Hydraulic fracking, very concerning) *trailer*
- Genetically Modified Food: Panacea or Poison (Genetically Engineered Foods/Monsanto, food allergies, health concerns)
- HIGH: The True Tale of American Marijuana (Hemp/Marijuana info) *trailer*
- House of Numbers (HIV deception)
- In Lies We Trust: The CIA, Hollywood and Bioterrorism (Vaccine, Government concerns)
- Inside Secret Government Warehouses (Fascinating UFO info, possible evidence of an alien mandible, Vatican library, etc.)
- Invisible Ballots (Election rigging, ballot scams, electronic ballot failure)
- I.O.U.S.A. One Nation. Under Debt. In Stress (Government concerns)
- Kymatica (Consciousness/Everything observations)
- Loose Change (9/11/01 concerns)
- Making a Killing: The Untold Story of Psychotropic Drugging (Deception in psychotropic drugs & psychiatry)
- Manufacturing Consent (Media/Psychology concerns)
- Money As Debt (Federal Reserve/Monetary concerns)
- Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism (Journalism/Media deception)
- Psywar: Public Perception Manipulation ▲ The PsyOps Agenda (psychological warfare, propaganda, perception management)
- Run From The Cure (Cancer, Marijuana, Hemp)
- Secrets of The Psychics (Psychic fraud with James Randi)
- September 11th Revisited (9/11/01 concerns)
- Sicko (Health-Care/Insurance industry) *trailer*
- Simply Raw: Reversing Diabetes In 30 Days (Remarkable accounts of Raw Food. Dr. Gabriel Cousens M.D., Tony Robbins, etc.)
- Supersize Me (Health/Fast-Food industry) *trailer*
- Sweet Misery A Poisoned World (Aspartame, artificial sweeteners and increase in brain tumors, etc.)
- Tapped (water privatization)
- The American Dream (Comedic Animated Documentary on The Federal Reserve)
- The Business of Being Born (Health-Care/Baby industry) *trailer*
- The Castle of Secrets: Coral Castle (Incredible short on the mysteries of coral castle)
- The Century of Self (Invention of public relations, psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud, proproganda, consumerism, etc.)
- The Cove (Dolphin slaughter) *trailer*
- The Corporation (Corporation concerns)
- The Deadly Deception (The Tuskegee experiment, really concerning history of human experiments based on race)
- The Fluoride Deception (Fluoride toxicity, dangers in our water supply)
- The Future of Food (Food industry) *trailer*
- The Gerson Miracle A.K.A. The Beautiful Truth (Cancer therapy, Max Gerson)
- The Greater Good (Vaccine policies, corruption, science)
- The Indigo Evolution (Indigo Children information, world changes, etc.)
- The Lightbulb Conspiracy: The Untold Story of Planned Obsolescence (Knowledge on consumerism via suicidal technology)
- The Living Matrix: The Science of Healing (Quantum healing, reconnective healing, emotional impact on cancer, chronic disease, etc.)
- The Marketing of Madness: The Truth About Psychotropic Drugs (Psychiatry/Pharmaceutical deception)
- The Most Dangerous Man in America: Daniel Ellsberg and the Pentagon Papers (Pentagon papers) *trailer*
- The Phoenix Lights (UFO info) *trailer*
- The Pyramid Code (Pyramid info)
- The Secret: Evidence We Are Not Alone (Military cover-up and UFO's, Majestic 12, Secret Reports of Alien life-forms)
- The Union - The Business Behind Getting High (Hemp/Marijuana info)
- The U.S. vs John Lennon (Government concerns) *trailer*
- The War You Don't See (Military concerns) *trailer*
- Thrive: What On Earth Will It Take? (This documentary covers just about every single aspect that is wrong with this world.)
- Transcendent Man (Singularity, technology growth, biological immortality) *trailer*
- United We Fall (Government concerns)
- Vaccine Nation (Vaccination linked to infant death, fraud, etc.)
- Vanishing of The Bees (Bee colony collapse) Narrated by Ellen Page *trailer*
- Wal Mart: The High Cost Of Low Prices (Corporation concerns)
- War Made Easy (Government concerns)
- What In The World Are They Spraying (Chemtrail info)
- Who Killed The Electric Car (Corporation politics, Energy politics) *trailer*
- Why We Fight (War and the profit from it)
- Zeitgeist: Moving Forward (Everything/Awareness)
- Codex Alimentarius Nutricide (cause for deep concern)
- John McDougall MD on The Perils of Dairy Products (dairy consumption concerns)
- Sugar: The Bitter Truth (same talk slightly different)
- Neal Barnard MD: Chocolate, Cheese, Meat & Sugar Physically Addictive (brilliant talk minus the soy/wheat recommendation)
TED Talks
- Anthony Robbins: Why we do what we do
- Dr. Wade Adams: Nanotechnology & Energy (Brilliant Cancer Nano-Medicine early in the talk around 6 min marker)
- Robert Wright: How cooperation (eventually) trumps conflict
- Gary Vaynerchuk: Do what you love (no excuses!)
- Esther Duflo: Social experiments to fight poverty
- Eric Whitacre: A choir as big as the Internet
- Sebastian Wernicke: Lies, damned lies and statistics
- Dean Kamen: The emotion behind invention
- Eva Vertes: Looks to the future of medicine
- Adora Svitak: What adults can learn from kids
- Brian Greene: On string theory
- Jesse Schell: When games invade real life
- Sam Harris: Science can answer moral questions
- Eric Dishman: Take health care off the mainframe
- Sheryl WuDunn: Our century's greatest injustice
- Seth Priebatsch: The game layer on top of the world
- Eric Topol: The wireless future of medicine
- Juan Enriquez: Shares mindboggling science
- Stuart Brown: Says play is more than fun
- Jay Walker's: Library of human imagination
- Shashi Tharoor: Why nations should pursue "soft" power
- Alexis Ohanian: How to make a splash in social media
- Brian Cox: Why we need the explorers
- Craid Wenter: Unveils "synthetic life"
- David Blain: How I held my breath for 17 min
- Derek Sivers: How to start a movement
- Elif Shafak: The politics of fiction
- Eric Mead: The magic of the placebo
- George Whitesides: Toward a science of simplicity
- Graham Hill: Why I'm a weekday vegetarian
- James Cameron: Before Avatar a... curious boy
- Jane McGonigal: Gaming can make a better world
- JK Rowling: The fringe benefits of failure
- John Underkoffler: Pointer to the future of UI
- Mitchell Joachim: Don't build your home, grow it!
- Simon Sinek: How great leaders inspire action
- Steve Jobs: How to live before you die
- William Li: Can we eat to starve cancer?
- Nathan Myhrvold: Could this laser zap malaria?
- Dan Gilbert: Asks, why are we happy?
- Peter Eigen: How to expose the corrupt
- Dan Ariely: Asks, are we in contorl of our own decisions?
- Barry Schwartz: On our loss of wisdom
- Keith Barry: Does brain magic
- Aubrey de Grey: Says we can avoid aging
- Kenichi Ebina's: Magic moves
- Nic Marks: The happy planet index
- Rachel Pike: The science behind a climate headline
- Kary Mullis': Next-gen cure for killer infections
- Richard St, John's: 8 secrets of success
- Dan Pink: On surprising science of motivation
- Tim Brown: On creativity and play
- Josh Silver: Demos adjustable liquid-filled eyeglasses
- Michael Pritchard's: Water filter turns filthy water drinkable
- Stefan Sagmeister: Shares happy design
- Aimme Mullins: The opportunity of adversity
- Charles Leadbeater: Education innovation in the slums
- Rory Sutherland: Life lessons from an ad man
- Kirk Citron: And now, the real news
- Hector Ruiz: On connecting the world
- Derek Sivers: Keep your goals to yourself
- Sugata Mitra: The child driven education
- Clay Shirky: How cognitive surplus will change the world
- Roy Gould and Curtis Wong: Preview the WorldWide telescope
- Jamil Abu-Wardeh: The axis of evil middle east comedy tour
- Steven Johnson: On the Web as a city
- Kevin Kelly: On the next 5,000 days of the web
- David Pogue: Says "simplicity sells"
- J. J. Abrams: Mystery box
- Rodney Brooks: Says robots will invade our lives
- Tom Wujec: On 3 ways the brain creates meaning
- Seth Godin: This is broken
- John Hodgman: Aliens, love -- where are they?
- Stephen Palumbi: Following the mercury trail
- Philip K. Howard: Four ways to fix a broken legal system
- Michael Sandel: The lost art of democractic debate
- Larry Lessig: On laws that choke creativity
- Charles Leadbeater: On innovation
- Howard Rheingold: On collaboration
- Ben Cameron: The true power of the performing arts
- Richard St. John: "Success is a continous journey"
- Demo: Stunning data visualization in the AlloSphere
- Scott McCloud: On comics
- Dan Buettner: How to live to be 100+
- Aubrey de Grey at TEDMED 2009
- Dean Ornish and Deepak Chopra at TEDMED 2009
- Donna Karan at TEDMED 2009
- Tim Ferriss: Smash fear, learn anything
- Martin Seligman: On positive psychology
- Matthieu Ricard: On the habits of happiness
- Christien Meindertsma: How pig parts make the world turn
- Chris Anderson: How web video powers global innovation
- Saul Griffith: On everyday inventions
- Steven Johnson: Where good ideas come from
- Jeff Han: Demos his breakthrough touchscreen
- Alwar Balasubramaniam: Art of substance and ansence
- Julian Treasure: Shh! Sound health in 8 steps
- Fabian Hemmert: The shape-shifting future of the mobile phone
- What we learned from 5 million books
101. Bill Joy: What I'm worried about, what I'm excited about
102. Martin Rees: Asks, is this our final century?
103. Robert Wright: On optimism
104. David Agus: A new strategy in the war on cancer
105. Sebastian Seung: I am my connectome
106. Birke Baehr: "What's wrong with our food system."
107. Michael Specter: The danger of science denial
108. PW Signer: On military robots and the future of war
109. Alex Tabarrok: On how ideas trump crises
110. Hans Rosling: The good news of the decade?
111. Stacey Kramer: The best gift I ever survived
112. Michael Shermer: The pattern behind self-deception
113. Eben Bayer: Are mushrooms the new plastic?
114. Patrick Chappatte: The power of cartoons
115. Charles Limb: Your brain on improv
116. Lauren Zalaznick: The conscience of television
117. Abraham Verghese: A doctor's touch
118. Paul Zak: Trust, morality & oxytocin (absolutely fascinating, trust molecule, morality molecule, empathy molecule)
119. Lorimer Moseley: Why Things Hurt (very engaging, a must for manual therapists and those who want to understand pain)
120. The Future of Free Energy is Here NOW! The End of Oil, Coal & Nuclear Pollution (just simply WOW)
121. Antonio Damasio: The Quest to Understand Consciousness
122. Brené Brown: The power of vulnerability
123. Cameron Herold: Let's raise kids to be entrepreneurs
"Awareness is empowering."
Rita Wilson
All info is copyrighted except humor photos © 2009-2018 Body Epiphanies Massage & Nutrition
Professional Member of Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals | Board Certified by NCBTMB
760 E. Warm Springs Ave. | Suite S | Boise, ID 83712 | (208) 870-9753 Boise Massage Therapist & Nutritionist
"Awareness is empowering."
Rita Wilson
All info is copyrighted except humor photos © 2009-2018 Body Epiphanies Massage & Nutrition
Professional Member of Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals | Board Certified by NCBTMB
760 E. Warm Springs Ave. | Suite S | Boise, ID 83712 | (208) 870-9753 Boise Massage Therapist & Nutritionist